Changes made to documents, projects, vendors, invoices and users are captured in each record’s changelog.
The changelog feature let’s users see what’s changed in a record since it was created, including who made the change. This helps users get up to speed on the latest activity in a record quickly. The changelog also facilitates transparency and accountability.
<aside> 💡 Note - Only users with the “View” permission for a record type will have the ability to view changes made to records of that type.
To see your permissions or the permissions of other users in your condo’s account in managemate, go to the “Manage Users” page at
You can access the changelogs in two ways:
In the main records lists you can view the changes made to all records of that type, allowing you to quickly scan through changes.
<aside> 💡 Note - The following steps demonstrate how to view changes made to all projects. Use similar steps to view all changes made to records of any type, such as documents, vendors, invoices, users and roles.
To view all changes made to records of a certain type, such as all project records:
Log into your condo’s account in managemate (go to
Go to the record type’s section - such as the “Projects” section by clicking on the “Projects” item in the main menu on the left.
Click on the button with the changelog icon, which is above the list of projects.