There are two main ways to create a new activity:

  1. Create an activity from the dashboard

  2. Create an activity from the activities page

Filling in the basic fields for a new activity

When you create a new activity, a pop-up will appear asking you to fill in the details for the new activity.

  1. Select between a “Task” or an “Event” activity.

    <aside> ✅ A “task” is an activity that someone needs to complete.

    <aside> 🗓️ An “event” is an activity that is scheduled to take place on a certain date, like a meeting.


  2. Fill in some basic information in the create activity popup, including;

    1. Activity Name
      • The activity name is a required field. It’s the main title for the activity.
    2. Flagging the activity
      • Click the gray coloured flag icon, to flag the activity.
      • When clicked, the flag turns red.
      • Flags can be used for any purpose, for example, identifying activities to be discussed at the next board meeting. Setting the flag is optional.
    3. Activity Description
      • Write a description for the activity, if required. Adding a description is optional.
    4. Due Date
      • The due date is the date by which the task should be completed or the date on which the event will take place.
      • Activities will be displayed in the calendar on the dashboard using their due date.
      • The due date will be used to trigger reminders and notifications.
    5. Assignee / Organizer
      • Select a user in your condominium’s account to be the assignee for a task (or the organizer for the event)

Filling in the additional fields for a new activity

When creating a new activity, you have the option to add more information about the activity.

To add more information to a new activity:

  1. Click on the “Edit All Fields” link above the “Create” and “Cancel” buttons at the bottom of the new activity popup.


  2. In Section 1 of the Create Activity (full edit) popup, you can set additional fields such as:

    1. Start Date
      • The start date is optional. Use it for tasks or events that span multiple days.
    2. Priority
      • New activities are defaulted to “medium” priority. You can change the priority to “low” or “high” when editing the full details of the activity.
    3. Stage
      • The stage of an activity is either “To do” or “Complete”. New activities are defaulted to “To do”.
    4. Linked Project
      • Type to select a project that the activity is part of.
      • Only one project can be selected for each activity.
      • Linking a project is optional.
      • All activities, whether or not linked to a project, will appear in the activities section.


  3. In Section 2 of the Create Activity (full edit) popup, enter a cost estimate and description.


  4. In Section 3 of the Create Activity (full edit) popup, you can link link vendors to the activity.


  5. In Section 4 and 5 of the Create Activity (full edit) popup, you can link invoices and documents to an activity.

  6. Click the “Create” button to save your new activity.


If you have any suggestions for product updates that managemate should prioritize or if you have general questions on the new features, you can contact us at [email protected]