All of the activities in your account can be found in the activities section in managemate.

We call this section a Live Activities Report because the activities are grouped into four groups, which resemble the format of a typical property management report.

The difference is that managemate’s Live Activities Report is updated in real-time as updates are made to activities.

The Live Activities Report groups activities into one or more of the following groups:

  1. Latest Status Updates
  2. Overdue
  3. Upcoming
  4. Completed

Latest Status Updates

The Latest Status Updates group lists activities with status updates created in a certain time period


The default time period is the last 7 days, but you can choose to view activities with status updates added in the last 30 days, last 60 days, or all.


Overdue Activities

The Overdue activities group lists activities that haven’t been completed and are past their due date.


You can switch between displaying overdue activities for all assignees or showing activities that are assigned to you.
